Sunday, April 15, 2012

GREAT Garage Sale Find!

I found this old, forgotten picture frame box at a garage sale over the weekend. it had mildew on it and it was in rough shape with chipping paint and a dirty inside. the inside looked like it had some sort of soot in it but i doubt that...the picture says it all though!

So i painted the outside a fresh new coat of white and the inside a fun turquoise-y blue.....

and add a few pretty pics and there you have it!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Leopard Bench

My friend, Ashley, had this leather bench sitting in her garage. it had no legs and the leather was ripped. the next day, i went to Hobby Lobby and went in search of upholstery fabric. I found a sweet deal on some leopard print fabric. it cost me $10, what a steal! I started the hour-long process of taking the old fabric off and pulling the staples out.
 I then went to Home Depot to get some 15" legs. I painted them black.

 Here is my beautiful fabric!

 And here is the finished piece!

 I think Abby loves it as much as I do!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Portrait of Family History

So i am finally able to tell you what the exciting project is! I am always curious about history, especially my families. It is fascinating to know your ancestors stories and legacies. I joined and I found so many documents with my families signatures, addresses, pictures, and war cards. so i felt that i should honor my family with a piece of them in my home. I grabbed a spare canvas that I had lying around and got to work printing out specific documents that I fell in love with.

 When I was happy with my printings, i wanted to try to imitate antique papers without soaking them in stinky tea or coffee. So, being the mad scientist that i am, i decided to make my own mod podge mix using 1 part Emers glue and 1 part water. then i added a bronze colored paint (i used sample paint for $2 at Walmart) and i mixed a SMALL amount (like a tsp.) and shook up the mixture until it was blended.
side note: i recommend using the REAL mod podge for projects that you will want to adore for years, but in this case, the yellowing effect caused by the acid in the glue will not make a difference, so save some money and grab some glue!
 I then placed the papers in the desired places on my canvas just to have a clue on how they will fit.
 I grabbed a sponge brush and got to work "podging". I first covered the canvas and then placed the first paper where I wanted a starting point. then i painted over it. notice the pretty sepia tone that the paint gives it!
 then, from there, i added the clippings one by one layering them and arranging them so that my favorite signatures can show the best.
 keep going!
 you can add extra layers of podge to get a darker tone. i did that to various papers to make it look like a collection of papers from all decades.
 I filled in small lines where the canvas showed through with small parts of the documents. For instance, I would found the line of some census documents from 1880, 1890, etc. so i put those dated on the holes!

Now i will always have a piece of my familys history with me in my home. I hope this inspires you to do the same thing!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Painted Frame

I found this at the Traders Village in San Antonio. it was not very pretty and had a very ugly composition inside it. i immediately saw the potential! now a pretty, vintage chalkboard!

DIY tray uplift

i found this for $2 at a garage sale, the lady wanted $8 because it was hand painted, but i proceeded to tell her that i was gonna paint over it so i didnt care! what a bargain!
First, i cut out the paper to fit inside the tray.

I mod podged the bottom and put one piece down first and mod podged over until it was sealed.

I then let it dry and I now have a beautiful tray!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I am about to start on an awesome project. it will take some time to complete but i cannot wait to show yall what it is! in the mean time, feel free to laugh at the fact that my daughters butt is so small it slides right on through her potty!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

getting paint out of carpet

Well, my amazing little 16 month old decided to tip a gallon of purple paint over and all over herself and my carpet and a $250 Ikea rug. So I am giving you a tutorial on how to clean water-based latex paint from carpet! You will need: • An excuse to use this tutorial (i have a curious little toddler!) • a lot of towels that you don’t mind never seeing again • Tuff Stuff carpet cleaner (or similar) • A source of water nearby • A lot of calories burned!
to start, NEVER LET THE PAINT DRY. I was freaking out at first until I realized that I have to get the ball rolling if I want to get this stuff out! I poured cold water onto it , just enough to cover the paint. Get your towels ready because now is the time to start laying the towels down over the stain. Get down and start to scrub with the towel until the towel cannot hold anymore paint without smearing it. At first, you will need to run back and forth to the tub to consistently rinse and wring the towel out. Continue to pour small amounts of water onto the carpet and going over it with the wrung out towel. REPEAT as many times as necessary. When the bulk of the paint is out and the towels are no longer getting blotches of paint out, then grab a dry towel and cover the wet spot and get all of the moisture out of the carpet as much as possible. I did not have a steam clean to do this with, but it will come in handy right about now if you have one. Now, spray carpet cleaner onto the spot and start scrubbing with a clean towel or scrub brush. If you have beige carpet like mine, it will get 95% of the stain out. As you can see in the photo, there is some purple-ish tinting on the carpet but much better than before!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I couldnt find a good svg of rapunzels tower so i made my own, let me know if you want it and i will send it to you. or if you have inkscape, use this file to make it yourself!